Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Super Sleuth

Copyright 11.29.2010 By CK Hunter, Re-post courtesy of the Daily Beck

See also

TMI! Too much information. Coming to the end of “Wikileaks Monday” I am chuckling. Today was supposed to be “cyber-Monday” for internet holiday shopping, but for me it became cyber-Monday for absorbing the shock waves rolling through digital media about Julian Assange and his global document disclosure stunt. Glenn Beck weighed in with some VERY illuminating deep pockets within the far left wing connections behind Julian Assange, famously flailing in front of his chalkboard. Beck revealed the murky “connect the dots” chain of command leading to Julian, which runs the gamut from “Code Pink” all the way to “The Open Society Institute.” The video link is right here.

Meanwhile in New York, GOP congressman Peter King lifted eyelids when he asked Hillary Clinton to label Wikileaks as a “terrorist organization”. Wasn’t that a bit of an over-reaction? I may not agree with what Julian Assange  did, which appears more than anything to be a worldwide publicity stunt guaranteed to establish him as the ultimate “weberati rock star” of defying US presidents, in effect saying “fuck you” to the US federal government over the weekend by refusing to back down.

But when you begin legally attempting to redefine one man’s expression of US first amendment rights, [Assange is an Aussie ] and his right to publish factual documents online as a “terrorist organization,” then it begins to smack of those horrible ten warning signs of approaching fascism that Naomi Wolfe has warned us about. In essence the congressman was asking Mrs. Clinton to redefine freedom of speech online as a potential act of terror. This bothered me deeply.

If this was allowed to take place, then the legal precedent would be in place that any time an inconvenient truth is published anywhere about the US federal government and it’s activities, they would have the legal impetus and backing to go after the publisher as a terrorist organization. Gee, it seems like it was just last summer that the USA big media was calling ma and pa America, who dared to raise their voices in urgent town hall meetings, as “domestic terrorists.” It’s becoming rather a tired old ploy of the FED to try to silence dissent, or to plug holes in the international intelligence data stream when it ruptures.

There is a distinct vein of legal and fascist sounding creepiness here that keeps me writing to call attention to what just doesn’t “feel right.”  Why the next thing you know, they might be calling me out as a domestic terrorist just for writing about it. We are really not sure anymore just how low our own federal government will go. Trust is eroding away.

Celebrity politico Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin, { I am a fan of both } both vehemently condemned what Julian did. But I wondered how they felt as the day wore on, and the press began reporting what the GOP congressman wanted Secretary of State Clinton to do. I also wondered how such sensitive materials could have been handled with such carelessness that a soldier in the intelligence dept. could datamine the whole lot of this stuff and then send it on. Is it possible this stuff was never that highly classified in the first place, as much as just deeply embarrassing to the Obama White House? I sense that Mrs. Clinton had the most to lose in it’s revelations.

How embarrassing are the WikiLeaks cables? A secret cable from April 2009 that went out under Clinton’s name instructed State Department officials to collect the “biometric data,” including “fingerprints, facial images, DNA, and iris scans,” of African leaders. Another secret cable directed American diplomats posted around the world, including the United Nations, to obtain passwords, personal encryption keys, credit card numbers, frequent flyer account numbers, and other data connected to diplomats. As the Guardian puts it, the cables “reveal how the US uses its embassies as part of a global espionage network.”
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About CKH888

Not much to tell. Um.... I author news and art blogs now & then. :-)
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