If Hackers Can Steal Your Facebook Email Address List, Assume the CIA Will Datamine the Entire Account at Will

Copyright 2010-3010 By CK Hunter. Re-posts granted leaving essay intact only.

I written before about the creepy CIA and NCS [National Clandestine Service] connections to Mark Zuckerberg‘s neo-Orwellian Facebook empire. But just in case you have not been made aware, have a look at these historical items before you read on:

Facebook Messages: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened

Facebook Gone Bad:

Why You Should Run Like Hell from Facebook Messaging:

1. You cannot delete Facebook messages. Stop and ponder the horrific consequences just for one moment. Drunken opinionated thought orgies, changing your politics, irate rants about your spouse, boss, about religion, atheism, about ANYTHING are archived forever in the Orwellian bowels of Facebook and may be used in some future that we have not yet imagined to socially typecast, identify, prosecute, or otherwise harm or legally call you out, when 3, 5, or 10 years have passed and yiou havce long since left those obsolete opinions behind. This one fact should stop every intelligent Facebook user dead in their tracks, and make them genuinely take pause. It’s just exactly like being pulled over by the police when you were sure you were doing nothing wrong. Suddenly anything you do or say might just be used against you later in a court of law. You won’t know until you regretably say it, and you cannot call it back, not ever. Anyone who has ever mouthed off at a tired irritated police officer, and then later got the shit kiced out of them for it, should understand what I am saying here. If there was ever a moment to read between the lines, this is that moment. Call me alarmist, call me a wing nut, I DON’T CARE. I am warning young Americans and everyone else who uses Facebook, this fact alone makes it crystal clear to me that Facebook is not much more than a cleverly disguised social surveillance tool, and an emerging format for international politically correct thought police to call out people they want to target using their own words of years gone by to indict them with.

2. Locating individual emails or messages will be complicated and tedious in that: all of your communications with any one person will be bundled into one GIANT thread of e-mail, text, and chat communication. This also just happens to be very convenient for the FED should that moment ever arise that the FED wanted to examine and investigate every conversation you ever had with one of your more politically radical tea party buddies, whose tactics you might not agree with, but nonetheless, there it is for all of USA Big Brother’s eyes to see… 5 years of unbroken threads of dialogue between you and “firehose Sam” who you emailed off and on for a few years, then moved on. You won’t be able to go in and selectively delete those uncomfortable conversations you had with “Firehose Sam” about why he should not instigate whatever. Everything, the texts, emails, and chat items, that you exchanged with “Firehose Sam” will be bundled into one huge hairball that you cannot go in and selectively edit and delete later. This is yet another breach of personal privacy and can be damning to innocent Facebook users in years to come in ways that we cannot or do not wish to imagine at this time.

3. Whenever you send someone one email, text or chat message, they are automatically granted access to your entire Facebook account. The best analogy for this might be you answer the doorbell at home, the newspaper boy hands you your daily newspaper, and to thank him, you force him to take a guided tour of every room in your home and then hand him the house keys. No one in their right mind would ever do this, right? But Facebook users do it every day when they email someone who is not on Facebook, invite them to look at some posted photos, then the recipient must actually join Facebook (thus procuring access to your own Facebook page)in order  to view the photos. It’s Orwellian, it’s creepy, it’s way too mandatory, it’s unintelligent and unnecessary. Ever heard of email attachments? Just email over the photos from your regular email program as embedded attachments, and the recipient can, with one click, enjoy looking at the photos inside their own email in-box, and leave Facebook out of it. It’s more intelligent and it protects everyone’s privacy, and their fundamental right NOT to be forced to join the ongoing crazy Facebook party.

4. In order to make your Facebook account completely private, you will need to click-through 50 buttons and either select or deselect more than 170 other options as of 11/20/2010. This can change at any time, and assuming Facebook will continue to further complicate its own “privacy policy” frequently, you can assume that in the future, it will become so intentionally complex and time-consuming to alter your privacy settings, you can pretty much be assured that most people who are busy, will give up and use the Facebook defaults, allowing all kinds of third-party websites and companies to continuously datamine their account content. Facebook will continue to outsmart it’s smartest users in the future, when privacy laws in the USA will have been altered as the USA itself becomes politically altered and merged even more deeply into the North American Union. See the video clip below:

5. Watch these videos below:

If you think your Facebook account is secure, you are woefully uninformed about how sophisticated the hackers are in data-mining Facebook for their own purposes. Let’s use simple third grade logic. If hackers can do all of the above, then just assume that the CIA, FBI, NCS, NSA and so forth can and will do 100% more than that in order to investigate you, at any time, for any reason, without a warrant or a court order, without your knowledge or consent,just by using Facebook.

Chase Kyla Hunter

About CKH888

Not much to tell. Um.... I author news and art blogs now & then. :-)
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