Boycott Hollywood: Here's Why

Ary Scheffer: The Temptation of Christ, 1854
Image via Wikipedia

Illuminati Inspired Hollywood Is At It Again: Promoting Godlessness in Motion Pictures


On the Day after Barack Obama was inaugurated I watched in dismal incredulity as the illuminati owned American mass media went right to work posting a small deluge of new articles, essays and news stories proclaiming that “Christianity Is Dead” in America. I thought to myself, “How dare the media in this country make such an overt effort to do this? It flies in the face of the very reason the country was founded.”

The sweeping illuminati media campaign of early 2009 was deliberate, precalculated, and it revealed blood curdling solid evidence that the daily firehouse of “news” “movies” and “popular opinion” that we are fed here in the USA is peppered with overtly “indoctrinational” propaganda items designed to encourage secular atheism. This is neither theory or conspiracy but is a hard cold fact of life in 21st century America.

Now they are at again. There is a new movie out that makes the claim that Jesus never existed. This is patently false, and flies in the face of the New Testament of the twelve disciples who lived with him for three years, his own mother and siblings and literally hundreds of historical eye witnesses to his life and times. The archealogical evidence of His life continues to grow as new discoveries are made each year.

The “great falling away” that Jesus discussed and prophesied to His disciples and followers 2,000 years ago continues unabated.  Each time I see another heinous manifestation of the spirit of Antichrist at work in the American mainstream media, I will answer each new lie with a restatement of the truth, as my Christian faith demands that I do so. I encourage other Christians to do the same.

It is a cosmic fact that Jesus lived, and His life left such an astounding mark on human history that the dating of all time since has been altered to record the world before Him as “B.C.” meaning Before Christ, and the world after Him as “A.D.” meaning After [his] Death.

The constant outpouring of lies, more lies and even greater and more diabolical lies from the illuminati owned American mass media is sealing their own indictment in as the men and women who work in Big Media continue to try to use the media as a tool to erase all evidence of the life of Christ and the existence of God. Their efforts are frantic, puerile, pathetic, hollow  and indicate an utter bankruptcy of real moral values, and a total lack of spiritual insight and sustaining inner Light.

Jesus had a lot to say about these kinds of people in His time. He referred to them as “Ye generation of Vipers.” These modern day “vipers” are the men and women employed by Big Media in America and around the world who thrill to advertise any book, movie, video game, article or essay, or work of art which disparages Christianity and denigrates Americans as a people of faith in God. Using the media overtly in the past 20 years, since the publishing of “Holy Blood Holy Grail” to promote atheism at every opportunity represents the commencing of the “great falling away” that Jesus predicted would take place right before His return.

The prophetic brilliance and accuracy of Jesus’s words continues to astound me. He literally saw these events taking place 2,000 years ahead of their occurence. Only a Divine Being incarnate could do such a thing. In the height of irony, it is their very Godlessness, made bold in big media advertising and secular atheistic headlines, movies, books, music, and pop culture that vindicates Jesus the Prophet. His imminent return will finally once and for all, vindicate Jesus the King of Kings.

As to the big media men and women, and the cleverly satanic movie makers, book authors, video game designers, musicians, pop stars, false messiahs in politics, new age gurus,  and all the other Godless vipers that crawl about in high places in modern society, their day of judgment comes, and it is arriving swiftly. One might even say it will arrive “like a thief in the night.”

About the Grisly Evidence

Not because I want to, but because I NEED to, on behalf of the young people of this nation, many of whom worship TV,  Hollywood celebrities, and who believe that the filth which is now and again promoted by media outlets like NEWSWEEK actually means something, in the hope that I can open their eyes to what is actually taking place, as we enter the advent of the world apostasy, I will re-post below what I happened to find this evening, as a way of demonstrating what NOT to believe, and what to avoid when one reads the daily mashup of American media and pop culture.

Open your eyes America. This illuminati owned media is determined to destroy your faith in God. Your silence will be complicity. Speak out. Fight back. Don’t stand idly by and allow a corrupted mainstream media which has become the right hand of the modern illuminati vipers teach your children these lies. Boycott Hollywood companies hat make movies like this and put them out of business. Also boycott this movie. [See link below] Close your purses and pocketbooks to this kind of media blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and encourage everyone in your community who knows and loves God, and believes in HIS Son, to do the same.

Chase K. Hunter

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This entry was posted in American Blogosphere, American Society, End Times Phenomenon, False Signs and Wonders, Freemasonry, Great Falling Away Christianity, Maitreya Obama Apostasy Cult Watch, Media, New World Order Agenda Exposed, New World Order Media Hegemony, Obama News Stories, Social Commentary, Son of Perdition, Spirituality, Tea Party Movement, Truth Movement and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Boycott Hollywood: Here's Why

  1. Laura says:

    [Amen and Bravo! Recently saw the following Google item which alludes to H-wood at the end. Lord reward you for faithfulness! Laura]


    by Dave MacPherson

    The word “secrecy” when applied to Christ’s return can refer to two different things: time and visibility. Before 1830 the only coming Christians looked for was the “every eye shall see him” second advent to earth – secret only in point of time.
    Enter Margaret Macdonald in 1830. She saw “the one taken and the other left” before “THE WICKED” [Antichrist] will “be revealed” – and added that her pretrib rapture would not be “seen by the natural eye” but only by “those who have the light of God within.” Her rapture was doubly secret: at an unknown day and hour and also invisible to “outsiders.”
    Desperate to eliminate Margaret as the pretrib originator and the Irvingites as the first public teachers of pretrib, Darby defender Thomas Ice foolishly claims that they taught a secret POSTTRIB coming even though he knows that when Hal Lindsey teaches “one taken” etc. before the Antichrist “is revealed” Lindsey is expressing the kernel of the pretrib view – what MM and the Irvingites clearly taught before Darby did! Google “X-Raying Margaret” and “Edward Irving is Unnerving” to see why they are properly labeled “pretrib.”)
    As early as June 1832, Irving’s journal taught that only “to those who are watching and praying…will Christ be manifested…as the morning star. To the rest of the church, and to the world, this first appearance will be…unintelligible.” (“Present State of Prophetic Knowledge” etc., p. 374)
    Always trailing and “borrowing” quietly from the Irvingites who in turn had “borrowed” from Margaret, Darby in 1845 finally sounded like them when he wrote that “the bright and morning Star…is the sweet and blessed sign to them that watch…And such is Christ before He appears [at the final advent to earth]. The Sun will arise on the world….The star is before the [Sun], the joy of those who watch. The unwakeful world, who sleep in the night, see it not.” (“Thoughts on the Apocalypse,” p. 167)
    And Lindsey’s “Late Great Planet Earth,” p. 143, says that “the second coming is said to be visible to the whole earth (Revelation 1:7). However, in the Rapture. only the Christians see Him – it’s a mystery, a secret.”
    My bestselling book “The Rapture Plot” (available at online stores including Armageddon Books) has 300 pages of such documentation and proves that Margaret was the first to “see” a secret, pretrib rapture, that the Irvingites soon echoed her in their journal (which Darby admitted he avidly read), and that Darby was last on all of the crucial aspects of dispensationalism.
    Shockingly, all of the earliest pretrib development rested solely on unclear OT and NT types and symbols and NOT on clear Biblical statements. Margaret’s rapture was inspired by Rev. 11’s “two witnesses.” And her “secret visibility” rested on the “types” of Stephen, Paul, and John – all of whom saw or heard what others couldn’t see or hear.
    For 30 years Darby’s pretrib basis was the rapture of Rev. 12’s “man child” – actually his plagiarism of Irving’s usage of this “pretrib” symbol eight years earlier!
    As I said at the start, the “second advent to earth” is secret in point of time with its unknown “day and hour,” as Christ stated. Pretribs assert that if Christ returns for the church after the tribulation, we could count down the days and figure out the actual date of His return – which would contradict Christ’s words.
    But pretribs deliberately ignore the fact that Christ said that the tribulation days will be shortened – and He didn’t reveal the length of the shortening!
    Our opponents also assume that the “watch” verses prove the “any-moment imminence” of Christ’s return. But do they? II Peter 3:12 says we are to be “looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God” which all premills claim is at least 1000 years ahead of us and therefore hardly “imminent”! What’s the difference between “watching for” and “looking for”?
    Another gimmick has pretribs saying “Would you want Jesus to return at any moment and find out you’re sinning?” But Jesus ALREADY knows all about us! And the Holy Spirit, who’s also God, is ALREADY here (Rom. 8:27)!
    You have just learned a few of the many secrets that the Secret Rapture Gang has hidden for a long time. Evidently they have forgotten Luke 12:2’s warning that “there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed”!
    PS – For the ultimate in uncovered secrets, see engines like Google and type in “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty.”
    PPS – While evangelicals stay largely asleep while waiting for their 180-year-old rapture, the shmutzy-mouth subversives of the world (e.g., movie moguls at awards ceremonies) invent new ways to create and unite even more tailgating, boombox-blasting, four-headlights-blinding members of the FFA (Future Followers of the Antichrist). For some related insights Yahoo “backstabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard and Kathy Griffin)” which is found in a Letterman item.

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